โ“Values explanation

Players stats

HP = Hit points = health

  • increasing with the level

level = progress of the player

EXP = experience points - a unit of the level

defense = is the percentual reduction of the damage

  • done by wearing items

Credits = in-game currency = obtain from converting, tasks, supertasks

  • useable in the shop

$CATCH = token - currency

Calories = currency (collected in the in-game wallet) for buying things in the Ingredient shop for potionary crafting

Research points

  • from the investigator, after he investigates alien - the research is also displayed in the alien species and planets

  • from the training mode

  • used for buying security clearance

Supply points

  • from the worker when is it assigned to the shelter

  • from converting

  • used for buying security clearance


number = number in the sequence

tier = difficulty

Light/Dark = main type - each alien will have one

Type = subtype (7 total) - each alien will have at least one, max two

defense = percent of reducing the damage delivered to them

min HP = Hp on level 1

Diet = What type of food are players able to give to the alien (based on the Food items)

Energy point = number of the fullness of the alien, if the amount is run out the alien is spent itself and disappears (based on the value of each Food items)

Scaling = scaling group TBA


  • Damage = energetical or physical - each weapon has only one

  • type = at least one max two (10 total)

  • DpS = damage per second

  • DpH = damage per hit

  • Active time = how long weapon is delivering damage

  • recharge/reload = how long it takes till the weapon can be active

  • amortization = durability - max number of the used charged point or bulets

  • effect = punishment Types

Wearable items

defense = is the percentual reduction of the damage

amortization = durability = how many times the item was in combat

Last updated